Friday, January 21, 2011

i just printed off 16 pages of paperwork for clinical tomorrow

really? 16 pages every single week? ms "clarafy" thinks this is necessary? wtf?

on a positive note, i dont see that ridiculous time consuming medication form (which ironically i prbly like the most out of all the paperwork (besides the systems assx form...which also is absent) even tho its more trouble than its worth imo)

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

fucking aye are u srs?

all i wanted to do in the current program....was to fly under the radar and graduate just being an average joe. or a john doe. hahaha. usu i draw attn by being fucking excellent. well ive done a marvelous job of avoiding excellence. but fucking a, i still blip on the directors's (yeh theres two) radars....only for stupid shit. latest shit: having a clin instr email the dir @ me for not knowing (bc no one ever told me) there is a hospital....errrr health care facitlity orientation tmrrw. lollolololool


oh and btw...rly? this inst couldnt just give me info about the orientation? instead has to mail the director to "clarafy" (lol) the issue? gimme a fucking break.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

whatever happens

its gonna be close either way

whats new, part iii

so i just did the math

i need 100/150 questions right on teh final just to pass. thats 66.666%

should be doable right? right?!!!!

i dont know. fuck.

whats new, part II

7.5hrs b4 the final shouldnt be the time where u go..."oh so thats what [basic terminology/concept/etc] is"

better late than never. but fuuuu... i gotta stop doing it like this.

Monday, January 10, 2011

so whats new?

i had so many chances...
yet here i am, hanging by the skin of my teeth again.
i need a miracle.
but maybe an allnighter will do. :) and :(