Monday, July 19, 2010


1: 2's going crazy with the drinking. did u notice?

me: 20 beers that one night. then again the next day. crazy.

1: and he's on that medicine...

me: yeah well at least the hospital's close by

1: ha but what if something happens and neither of us are here?

me: oh yeah huh. maybe i should talk to him...

with 2's super binge drinking combined with the fact that we just went over opioids at school, the timing is great to find out why he shouldnt drink while on vicodin.

ok so it's pretty simple...

Vicodin = hydrocodone + acetaminophen

1. etoh is hepatotoxic and a cns depressant
2. acetaminophen is hepatoxic. acetaminophen + etoh >> additive hepatoxoxicity
3. hydrocodone is a cns depressant. hydrocodone + etoh >> additive cns depression

the last time i asked him if he knew what might happen, he said his liver would bleed. that's a start. i suppose i could find out whether he understands how bad life would suck if he wrecks his liver.

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