Sunday, March 13, 2011

im liking this lvn idea more n more...

if that route is open to me, i think its the path of least resistance.

my top choice plan b was shot down today by an expert whose opinion i value. everything else i wanna do requires completing enough prerequisites that would keep me away from being an enrolled financial aid student long enough that id have to start paying back those hefty student loans before i was ready.

plus i get to use the nursing knowledge i've been accumulating.
even careplans and paperwork and all that.

[she's making her presence known. she's smiling. i think she likes the idea. maybe she inspired it?]

unless i come up with a better idea
(or these options aren't possible),
my top 2 choices as of now are
-getting waiver to sit in on NCLEX-PN
-transferring into an LVN program with advanced standing

i could go either way. i have no preference. pros and cons to each.

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